Design Case Studies

Click the links below to see my design process for some of the projects that I’ve worked on.

Thinking in Code - Brilliant

Designing an interactive CS/Programming course for young professionals who want to learn the basics.

My role: art lead, concept art, illustration, motion design, ux/ui design
Software: Photoshop, Figma, After Effects, Rive

Facebook Avatars - Meta

Designing inclusive characters for a global audience.

My role: concept art, illustration, visual design
Software: Photoshop, Maya

Contact me directly if you would like access to this case study.

Feel the Beat - Lumosity

Designing a rhythm training game for people who don’t consider themselves gamers or musicians.

My role: art lead, concept art, illustration, motion design, ux/ui design
Software: Photoshop, Illustrator, Unity, After Effects


Thrive n’ Shine - MindBlown Labs

A personal finance adventure game for young adults that pairs with an in-class curriculum.

My role: art direction, concept art, illustration, motion design, 3D, ux/ui design, marketing art
Software: Photoshop, Maya, Unity, After Effects